Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 「Squeeze」testing (Debian -- Debian “buster” Release Informationこの時点で) をインストールして Scalaパッケージを入れてみる。
そして入るのは 2.7.5final
hs9587@vmw05:~$ scala Welcome to Scala version 2.7.5final (OpenJDK Client VM, Java 1.6.0_0). Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala>
hs9587@vmw05:~$ aptitude show scala パッケージ: scala 状態: インストール済み 自動的にインストールされた: no バージョン: 2.7.5.dfsg-2 優先度: 任意 セクション: devel メンテナ: Debian Scala Maintainers展開サイズ: 6,402k 依存: scala-library (= 2.7.5.dfsg-2), openjdk-6-jre | java-virtual-machine 説明: The Scala programming language Scala is a Java-compatible programming language with many modern language features. It is Java-compatible in that Scala and Java classes can directly reference each other and subclass each other with no glue code needed. It includes modern language features such as closures, pattern-matching, parametric types, and virtual type members. This package includes the various tools used to develop code written in Scala. It includes a compiler (scalac), an interpreter and script runner (scala), the offline compiler (fsc), and source-scanning documentation generator (scaladoc). ホームページ:
OpenJDK 1.6.0 で動いています。